Build Toward Your Best Self

My Services

  • Self-Knowledge

    Fresh insights about your deepest motivations will empower you to see new opportunities and make the best choices for yourself and your loved ones. I teach clients how to explore their history with confidence and clarity. My client-led approach promotes safety and honesty about many difficult topics.

  • Relationships & Marriage

    The role you play in your family, religion, and society significantly affects your long-term well-being and overall satisfaction in life. I guide clients to improve stability, understanding, and peace in their many relationships. My clients rapidly grow in maturity and accountability- which are essential to a successful marriage.

  • Financial Affairs

    The cultivation of a sober and rational approach to money curbs compulsive spending and promotes wealth-building. I help clients achieve greater discipline, wisdom, and success in their financial choices. My consultation spans personal/ family budget management, career goals, and business start-up.


  • Tyler, Age 25

    "I came to Brandon for guidance after a confusing breakup. I'm wary of mainstream psychology, but I still wanted help understanding myself better. Brandon does a great job of tying underlying processes to reality, and helping you come to your own realizations of how you've been influenced by modern anti-male ideology. He helps decipher the ways in which you replicate your history, and what you can do to become a stronger individual, both from a moral and nuts-and-bolts standpoint."

  • Jason, Age 27

    “Working with Brandon has been one of the best decisions I've made. Since I've started with him, Brandon has helped me find a better career, make more money, gain independence from my parents, get out of unhealthy relationships and build healthy ones, and find a wonderful woman to start a family with! I have developed far more self-knowledge and far more confidence navigating my life. It's been a 10/10 investment so far, and I would recommend Brandon to anyone looking for help to improve their lives through self-knowledge development.”

  • Kevin, Age 26

    “Brandon has been a big part of getting my head back on straight after my breakup and relocation. Really appreciate all our sessions. Thank you!”

  • Sam, Age 27

    “After a decade of exploring many counseling options, Brandon has brought the most value to my life. He’ll follow or guide me wherever I need to go on a given day – all while maintaining appropriate boundaries and staying grounded.”

  • Blake, Age 29

    “Since I began working with Brandon a lot of incredible things have happened and I've changed a lot. I am very grateful for having his help through a tough point in my life.”

Invest in Your Future

All men who have built great things in life have done so through cultivating strong relationships with themselves and others. The men who surround themselves with people committed to truth, virtue, success, and health have an excellent chance to make a vital impact on the world.

Our work together encourages and equips you to build the life you deserve. My services benefit people new to their search for meaning in life as well as those experienced in self-mastery. My clients quickly see the value of employing a wise and knowledgeable consultant who is committed to their growth.

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